Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Friday, July 30, 2004

A Week In Review.

So, it's been a very VERY busy week in the land of me. I went to my job interview on Wednesday, I was beyond nervous as I usually am. Drove for the 4 hours to Truro and went to my interview. Met quite a few people on my way into the building that I had worked with at my current employer until recently, which was a great surprise, nice to see friendly faces. So after the chit chat and some words of encouragment, I headed inside.

We went through our assesment test which was suppose to take 45 minutes. 20 minutes later I was finished...sitting the other 2 applicants clicked away with painful expressions on their faces. So I said screw it and got up, went into the guys office and said I'm done, do you want me to sit there or? So he was quite pleased I was done so quick and proceeded to check my scores. When he was done checking them....he checked them again.... when he was done that he came to me and told me I had done exceptionally well, he was very pleased.

On to paperwork and interview. While I was in my interview he reviewed over the paperwork I had filled out and stoped at one point and looked up. It was the which shifts are you available to work. I of course wrote that I cannot work night shifts becuase I have a 3 year old and will need to aquire day care think that IS what I wrote verbatim..hehe .

ANYWAY, he said he didn't want my daughter to be the reason I couldn't take the job and went on his miles and went to talk to his supervisor, he even (I guess) thought the maybe I was bluffing and offered me a better job than what I was applying for, which would have been fantastic, I really wanted that job, but again, they couldn't give me a day shift.... so I had to say No.

After a great adventure of driving around the valley with bad instructions from a Jacketar, we met up with a couple of friends who took us to the Michlin plant and Chris got an application. So he wants to apply there which would be great.

On the weekend we went to the Psychic Fair. That, now, was fantastic! We met one of the Tarot Card readers who was very nice, she was an older woman from eastern europe, been reading cards for 27 years she said. I could have learned alot from her if the time had permitted...but alas. She did a little seminar which was great, put it this was. She was so good at what she does, she told me everything that I went there to find out in a single card. Yep, one. So when we were done with the seminar Chris wanted a reading, so he went to the same lady and got a reading that was so accurate it was spooky, but in a good way. She said alot of things that we both hope will show as true, ask me later and maybe I'll tell ya.

Today's adventure!

WE BOUGHT A CAR! I can't believe it, it's beautiful. A 2001 Pontiac Sunfire (white) WITH FRIGGIN LIGHTNING BOLTS ON THE SIDE!!! How great is that........lightning bolts!
We get to go and drive it home on wednesday...Im so excited... It's like waiting for Christmas.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Unknown Name, Unknown Number.

I use to hate those calls, you always get htem and sit there, "Yeah no thanks Mr. Bank, no money for you!" Yesterday though, I decided to answer the phone.

"Is this Crystal Mortimer?" The voice asks. "Yes it is." I reply.

*crap why did I answer the phone?! It's the stupid bank and I have no money*

"This is ***** calling from (insert great new jobs name) wondering if you are still interested in the position."

This is so friggin great. I sent this man my cover letter and resume 2 days previous, I also have a friend that gave me a referral to him that also works there. This is the job I've been wanting that I've been talking about for so long. I'm so excited about this for good and bad reasons.

First of all it will only be 30 minutes from the area that the course I want to take is located. It is also only 3 hours from Raven's father so he would be able to come and see her more often, which is good. They both miss each other terribly. Plus it's a full time job. I will have a job and know that yes, I will have it next week.

Down side. Of course I told my mother who lost her mind on me. Telling me I better re think my course of action, this isn't just about me anymore, I have a child to think about, taking her away from her family, blah blah blah. I'm also worried about the shift that I get. I can't take a night shift, I need days because of day care for Raven. I wonder how much day-care is there. There are a million things I have to do and take into consideration.

So long and short, I go to Truro on Thursday to take my assesment part of the interview, and they told me there will be a course on the 23rd of August. So I have to look for places, check out prices of day cares, thinking about buying my uncles car, for that though I will need a bank loan *groan* Who knows if I'll be approved for that.

Good news though is that my love wants to come with me. I know he doesn't have to, but he says that he wants to. I'm very happy with this. I know it will cause a big stir in my family. My mother will freak out. I have no idea how my EX will respond. Ahhh well, what will be will be I suppose.

Some notes for your reference: I,robot...great movie..he's a friggin mech tech kung fu robo jesus. Yeah you heard me, you'll understand when you see it. White Chicks...expecting it to be like most wayans movies...but I laughed my ass off, great movie...just go along with the fact that they aparently look EXACTLY like the me it makes it easier. Garfield... good movie, the best parts are his facial expressions.

Wish me luck on Thursday guys.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Funny what can happen in a week.
The "new" job that I was chosen for has (surprise surprise) been postponed to a later date. So once again I'm left sitting here wondering day by day if I'll have a job next week. Frankly..... not enjoying this.
A few more of my friends left work this week for their new jobs in Truro. Please please please please call me Truro.
My daughter said something to me on Tuesday that shocked me and upset me. She wanted to go outside and play, so I told her to come and I'd dress her and take her out. Her response was; "No, you're never here Mommy. I want Nanny to take me out." Now I understand that she's 3 and she doesn't understand what she says and how it affects other people and it wasn't said in malice. But never in my life have I ever called work so fast and said I wasn't coming in. We had a great day btw.
Funny thing I noticed about Cape Breton. This is the only place I've ever been to where you can drive by an empty parking  lot and there will be a guy selling "fresh" fish out of his truck...and people will be stoping to buy it.
Chris wants a puppy. I think when we get our new place that will be a new addition to our family. He said he wants to call it Wolco..... I hope he's joking.
Tried to quit smoking again... verdict ... nope... utter failure. I am so hopeless, I need to find a place to buy some willpower.
I hope the next week becomes more eventful!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

So I get to keep my job for a little longer.

Some people here at my place of employment (including myself and my love) got calls for a new contract and some new training. Good news and Bad news I suppose. I want and need a job of course, I have a little mouth to feed. On the flip side if I could get a lay off I would be able to move and possibly have the government help out with a course that I want to take.

I suppose all will work itself out. I have sent a resume to truro. A friend of mine is a supervisor at a center there and asked me for my resume. I hoping I'll get a call for an interview. If I can get a job there, then I can move and be settled with a job and start my course the following September.

I know for one thing I really have to get a job with some normal hours. I miss my Raven so much it's ridiculous. As much as I love and appreciate my parents looking after her for me, she is being raised by them at the moment, and not me. I don't like it.

All and all there is alot to straighten out in the next little while. I'm hoping all will go as to my "semi" plan. What is my semi-plan? Well, I'd like to get a call from Truro, move there with Chris, get a nice apartment, get some bills straightened out, start my course and finish it, and eventually land a good job that I enjoy. Have time to raise my daughter and play with her and watch her grow up happy. Yeah, that's my plan.

It's funny, I kind of feel detached today. Distracted even.

Well roll the dice I suppose. Big Bucks. No Whammy's. C'mon semi-plan.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Canada Day Weekend

What a weekend , I mean really, fantastical is all I can say!

We kicked it off on the 30th actually, Me and my love went with my brother and (really cute story) my love's sister to see Spider Man 2. NOW by the time we got there the movie was sold out. My brother and his girlfriend had already purchased their tickets (cause they're smart). SO, we buy tickets to go and see The Terminal which is around the same time as Spidey. So we trot along all ready to sneak into the movie like 15 year olds when we notice that there are people standing there checking ticket stubs so no entry. poo

Into The Terminal we go....we sit there for about 10 minutes all edgy (we're so lame) and make the plan... "Ok, we'll go out and see if they're gone and if they're still there we'll go to the bathroom." *poof out the door*

*whistling innocently the 2 of us proceed out the door to run face first into 2 employee's cleaning*


*to the bathroom we dash with the employees looking suspiciously in our direction. We knew our only escape was to the safe haven of the porcelain gods cubicles. Waiting the appropriate 15 seconds before we make our escape. We creep around the corner and look for guards. "haha we laugh...the fools deserted they're posts" On and on we run for our goal, the big blue doors with the faint light flickering under the door signifying the begin of the movie. Faster and faster we run till finally....WE'RE IN THE THEATER. There sitting in the perfect seats are my brother and his girlfriend with 2 open seats next to them. We both settle into our seat with evil satisfaction and enjoy the spoils of our endeavor*


The man wanted us to see The Terminal.... take that Tom Hanks! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Anyway, that was a great night. Great movie and I got to sneak into a movie...something I haven't done in ages! *giggle*

Canada Day Arrives. My brother as per the last 7 years assumes his role as "CanadaMan" wearing Cape,hat,socks,shorts,shirt,umbrella,and taping flags all over his body begins his day of fun. Me as usual will not pass up a chance of seeing him in his gettup dresses quickly, drags my love out of bed, dresses my little monkey, and we all pile into the car and head to Sydney for the festivities.

Music, balloons, food, dancing, singing, flea markets, hats, masks, laughing, and finally fireworks. The day was fantastic. Raven had an absolute blast, me and my love had an awesome day, and my brother even got his picture on the front page of the newspaper for his outfit.

All in all it was a friggin great weekend! Hope you all had a good one too!