Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Keep 'Er Goin ...

So the expedition began on Thursday. Chris, Adam and Jon set out in Adams car and headed to the great "out west" that everyone goes on about. As of yesterday they were still in Ontario. My brother got drunk at Chris' fathers (where they crashed for they're one and only night of real rest) and was hung over all the next day, meh, so they lost a day, but they're optimistic and are having fun.

Raven keeps playing games where she is flying in airplanes or riding horses and she goes to find Chris. He calls everyday to talk to me and her and tells her that he's coming home really soon and he'll meet her at the new house in Kentville. I can't wait to move. I love my new apartment.

I hope they will be ok in Grand prairie. They will be 6 hours from Edmonton and that's where Chris' sister Amy is. I miss Chris a lot.

I've been keeping myself busy with idiotic computer games and cleaning. Raven and I have been going on daily adventures to find things to do. Today we are going to Dominion to ride on Ponies and tonight is the fireworks, so we'll go there tonight.

I think I'm going to start another webpage that is only pictures and put a link to it on this page.

Yeah that should keep me bust for a while.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Latest breaking news......

Chris is leaving in 10 days. There are 4 of them going up. My brother and his friend, chris and his sisters boyfriend. We're going to Kentville on Tuesday to find an apartment. We have about 6 hours to find a place to live, Chris is worried, I know from personal experience that it's totally do-able. So needless to say I'm stressed about getting through August with bills and everything.

Reason being I quit my job last week. I went to HRDC like they told me to and my councilor is on vacation for 3 WEEKS!! So I have nothing, they didn't even send out my ROE, and I have to get that before I apply for EI and my councilor still has to apply me for assistance to go to school. What was that you ask? That was the sound of my head exploding.

Raven is sick, so is Chris.

We got a call last week that one of Chris' best friends is in the hospital with Hodgkins Disease (cancer). So after we get the apartment we're going straight to Hali to the Qe2 to see Iain..everyone is devastated, one of those things no one wants to see happen, especially in this group of friends.

Here is the scenario. There are 6 boys that all grow up in the same section of Sydney like 100 feet from the tar ponds. Boy 1 : mother has thyroid removed due to cancer. Boy 2 : Mother dies from cancer. Boy 3 : Mother loses both breasts to breast cancer. Boy 4 : Diagnosed with Hodgkins disease. That leaves 2 of six without immediate family cancer.... yet.

I find it hard to believe that there are environmentalists and scientists that were sent here by the gov a few years back still seem to make the claim that the tar pond holds no threat of illness to local residents. Because from the paragraph that I just wrote... I find that just ridiculously coincidental. 6 friends, all together in same area, 4 families struck with cancer. Glad the tar ponds had nothing to do with that.

that's my rant on that.

My brush with the rich and famous..... Boy 3 in my previous story... his family is selling the family home, we went to his house in Sydney to see them off. We walked upstairs to where he was suppose to be and who do we literally walk into... Richard Hatch from Survivor 1.

I was like... that guy looks familiar. Chris is like... hey that's Survivors Richard Hatch.

He was very nice, didn't make a big deal over anything really, let the family get they're pics taken with him, he was very down to earth. And Raven had to pee and got to use his bathroom. So there's a story for her.

Got to go to a party last night with a bunch of friends that I hadn't seen in a while. It was a great time and I got a lot of pics and film, it's my last time I'll be seeing them for a while I'd imagine.

I'm going to miss a lot of people around here.

Monday, July 04, 2005

What does the future hold?

Good question huh.

I think Chris is leaving. Only for a little while.

Stupid Alberta.

Chris has a chance at a job out in the camps on the rigs. The money is too good to turn down.
We're going to find out for sure what has to happen or be done to make is a guarenteed job.

Only a few months has become my new mantra.

I'm really scared to be without him. I'm going to miss him soooo much.

Only a few months.