Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

7 more days!!

That's all I have to wait until I leave on my much anticipated maternity leave. Well, anticipated for me at least. My employers would have it different if left to them. I was planning on staying on until May, but, I am having alot of pain and discomfort at this point and since I was a "good girl" for Haley's birth and went back to work within weeks of her arrival, in my honest opinion I think I'm due for some home time.

Raven was awarded her orange belt in Tae Kwon Do last Sunday. She was so excited and proud. I think that's something that is lacking in alot of children these days, a sense of pride in something.... anything. Raven loves it, and that's all that matters. It's something for her to work at. A goal for her to attain. She doesn't like to "spar" with other children at all. She is afraid of hurting someone. We decided to put her into it ((with alot of please please please mommy can I can I can I's)) to increase her confidence. To my absolute delight it has increased her confidence. She is also starting to stick up for herself alot more now. She was the child that would let other kids take things from her, or say and do mean things to her. She would never stand up for herself because unlike the children that were aggrivating her... she didn't want to say mean things to them because it isn't nice to hurt other people's feeling.

That is my little girl. Sometimes the words that come out of her mouth are not those of a soon - to - be 9 year old. I have always called her an old soul, there is something about her that is so profound and amazing, I cannot even put it to words.

She makes me a better person.

Then comes Haley Haley Haley bean. One of the funniest little people I have ever met. I can't believe she's a year and a half already. She follows Raven around endlessly. Raven in her eyes hung the moon. Everything she does is great, everything she has is great. Raven is so good with her and always wants to help.

Hearing her talk, oh my heart melts daily at her little voice. Haley's little voice. Listening to her try to sing songs of her favorite shows and her funny little shuffle dance she does. She also loves to run around with a plastic bucket on her head and a cape on her shoulders to which we have affectionatly named her, "CAPTAIN BUCKETHEAD"

7 more days ... I honestly can't wait


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