Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I am a human pincushion

I was called by the hospital yesterday that my glucose tests came back a little high. So could I go in today and get more blood work done.

So I arrived at the hospital at 645 AM and waited my turn in line... come to find out that it isn't a pre natal screening.... it's a diabetic screening. SO, first thing is blood work and a finger prick to test the sugar. Then you drink the glucose, then I had to wait.... for an hour... and I was told not to leave the hospital. So I already had a needle hole in my left arm from Friday when I had the first batch of bloodwork... so now left arm has 2 needle holes and 1 finger prick...

Off to the hallway... the drftiest...coldest hallway in exsistence. I found a poofy chair to sit in, and I tried to sleep for an hour. 915am I head into get another round done. This time in my right arm. Left arm 2 needle holes and a finger prick, right arm 1 needle hole.

THEN they tell me... oh no you have to come back in another hour and no you can't leave the hospital...


back to the hallway... stupid cold

managed to doze of a bit, then I waddled my way back into the lab and yes... they called me "The Waddler" and then got another needle again in my left.... poor lefty...

So as it stands :

Left Arm 3 needle holes and a finger prick
Right Arm 1 needle hole

Arms looking like a heroine addicts whilst pregnant...... priceless


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