Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Sunday, May 03, 2009


Winter is unrelenting where I live. It seems like it sticks and won't let go. You watch the ice come in off the horizon in the bay and you wait for it to move out. Now living next to the ocean your whole life as well and your family for a few generations back you have all the sayings. My nanny could predict the weather simply by looking at the sunrise or sunset, the way the clouds were blowing, and she taught me how to smell the sky and listen for the seasons to change. Spring will come after the 3rd silver thaw don't you know... the ice needs to leave the bay, come back in, and second times out ... if a bird hits your window call your family members and make sure no one is sick because someone you love is going to pass away.... first warm day in spring open your windows to let the fairies in.... if a broom falls and hits the floor unexpected company will call on you... all these little things that I never really thought about as a child. It was just the way things happened. Every spring I think of these things, I don't know why .. well yeah... I guess I do... she died when I was 10 ... well almost 10... it was 7 days before my 10th birthday ... the end of May.

It's amazing how much someone can affect you in only a short time knowing them.. I remember almost everything she ever said to me.. but I can't remember her voice. I hope I can influence my kids and hopfully my grandkids like that someday. Yeah alot of things she would teach me are considered by many to be supersticious nonsense, I don't care .. I still look at the sunrise and predict the weather... and I always call family if a bird hits my window.

The baby is growing fast now too. I don't think I'll make it to June due date. I think this will be a May baby, poor Haley in the past week has been just miserable. She's getting a bunch of teeth all at the same time... oooh sleep how I miss you!!


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