Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Friday, October 29, 2004

Last Day At Work.

Today is my last day at my current job. I've gotten a new job, and I'm excited.
I found out yesterday that me, Chris, and my brother were all hired. Yesterday was the first day in MANY months that I came into work happy.

So today I've been sending out good bye emails, doing my rounds to say good bye face to face to some I'll miss the most.

On to the other side of the fence to see if the grass is greener. Even if it isn't, I'm waiting for my letter from Kingstech, If I get accepted, I'm off to college anyway.

Tomorrow is our Trick or Treat day, and Sunday is Halloween. Raven is going to be a Giraffe, hehe I'm still debating to dress up, I usually do, but I think it's going to be cold.

I wonder if anyone will miss me when I'm gone?

~PS...Hi Tempest!! =)

Thursday, October 28, 2004


Yes, here he is finally.... Captain Pissy Pants. Who is he you ask? Why he is the crazy Messenger Hijacker that may are becoming familiar with these days.
He seems to appear when you leave your messenger unattended, so watch out everyone, Captain Pissy Pants is on the prowl, and no ones messenger is safe...
For Example.. our friend Miss Ashley was attacked by Captain Pissy Pants just the other day;

Fraser says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
not now citizen..... CAPTAIN PISSY PANTS....AWAY

Fraser says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
lol it was trusty sidekick

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
no it wasnt

Fraser says:
r u on crack

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
you smell of whiskey and dead cactus

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
i love chris

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
and his big ear

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
watch as i spell

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
now i know them

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
how are things

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
stop yelling at me

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
the back of my head stings

Fraser says:
whos yelling

Fraser says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
i forgot

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
where's that buzzing comming from

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
i smell burnt toast

Fraser says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
are you judging me

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
i'ma burn this motha fucka

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Fraser says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
don't yell at me

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
i'll break your ear

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
with a wiffle ball

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
but not your sweet sweet ass

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
Fraser says:

Fraser says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
are you hitting on me

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
stop yelling i said

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
the back of your head stings now

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
whats up with that

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
i like pie

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
your mother says you're on something

Fraser says:
hitting on you??

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
are you on somehting

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
hitting on me with a green stick

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
the stick of a birch tree

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
with lemons

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
stop throwing lemons

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
you ate my popcorn

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Fraser says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
where does it hurt

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
i'll make it better

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
i forgot to say

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
the shirt was left at the grocery store next the avacados

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
you have anthrax

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
a man told me

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
he was in a suit

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
i believe him

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
he talked with authority

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
stop yelling i said

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
i've got gas

Fraser says:
mm gas

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
brennon wants a threesome and i suggested you

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
he thought about it and said chickens dance at dawn

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
i concured and we ate the sneaker

Fraser says:
lol...omg....i know this isn't ashley lol

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
stop yelling

Fraser says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
why what?

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
but you smell like flowers

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
and penny candies

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
can I post this on my blog?
Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
say yes,,,

Fraser says:

Fraser says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Fraser says:
crystal you r on crack

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
umm...there is no crystal here

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
actually its me and chris

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
....can you see us?

Fraser says:
woohooo....where is ashley?

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
im a frightenedd

Fraser says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
cause you are hot like spicey bean

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
lol anyway i have to go and ashley was here the whole time laughing at you

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:
buh bye

Captain Pissy Pants .....AWAY!!! says:

Fraser says:

Fraser says:

Friday, October 01, 2004

Victory Is Mine!!!

Haha yeah thats right... take that world! I have taken a month off not only because of the change in "position" at work, but also no time, and no internet at home. Plus I had alot I had to straighten out. I guessI shouldn't be apologizing, meh, can't change your nature.

So I finally finally finally quit smoking. We both did. I'm so proud of Chris, he decided he would keep me company in my agony, but surprisingly, when you want to quit, it's surprisingly easy. So yay on us, we are big quitters.

Chris and Raven and I all took a road trip to Halifax the other day. Chris had his first interview with Michlin. If he gets it, it will be great ,and we move to Kentville earlier than expected, which wouldn't be unwelcomed. Saw the most amazing sunset that day, one of those times you really needed a camera, and didn't have one.

I met up with a friend of mine that had just had a baby a few months ago and I made a big mistake,... I picked the baby up..... and oooooooh... the smell.....and the feel of carrying a little baby.... and the little feet...and the little face... little hands..... badbadbad me... can't have another one yet... bad.... :)

I've made an effort to have more picnics, we've had many in at Wentworth Park. I've been not only pushing my daughter on the swings.... but sliding with her down the slides, and chasing her more... playing more.

I'm going to try to give up pop now, and I'm slowly cutting down on the coffee. I'm baking again. I forgot how much I missed it. I owe my parents and chris a pie each tomorrow, gonna be a busy weekend. PLUS have to start decorating for halloween...... CRAP... still have to get costumes!!

Next week is Thanksgiving.... mmmmmmturkey.

My new favorite shirt in the world bears the logo, "Set Phasers To Disco!"

Nuff Said.