Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Monday, May 23, 2005

Ugh my .... face Update

After 4 hours in outpatients (not bad really I thought i would be there all night)
I have an inflamed lung and mild bronchitis. So they put the oxygen mask on me for a while and now I'm on a puffer for 6 weeks.

Thanks Spiegel!!
Ugh my.... face.

What a night at work. First the calls are idiotic to begin with, then a popup on my screen saying the crapateria is now closed for the duration of the day, maintenance on the floor. Good enough, a little noise from the waxer I figure.

Hmm... what's that smell? I think to myself while I'm on a call. *scratchy throat* What is it? *face itchy* Oh no *flesh burning * I stand up and race to bathroom *throat closing over*

They decided to use some chemicals to strip the floors and sent out no notice to people who are allergic to chemicals. Now yes I am one of those annoying people who have allergies to perfumes and chemicals, I'm sorry they make my throat close over and cause death unto me.

After my eyes burning and my crawling to find a supervisor and explaining in rapid gestures i cant breathe and im going to faint and then die if i dont leave, they generously let me go home... and dock me the hours on my pay. After 10 minutes of vomiting beside my car again, in a showing of great caring, they let Chris leave as well so I dont kill myself trying to drive home with my blind eyes. Of course docked the hours of pay.

Now... if I brought a peanut into that building, alarms sound, the navy come down through the skylights and fucking ninjas jump out of hidden passagways to stop me. How is this fair? Stupid peanuts.

Anyway, I woke up this morning feeling like I was hit by a truck. My throat and ears are killing me but my doctor isnt in today cause it's the queens birthday.. woopty doo. I'm going to have to call in I guess and find out if you can still smell the chemicals cause Im not going through that again, you know when I leave there im going to take in a jar of peanuts and just throw them everywhere. Yeah, peanuts and .... GLITTER. Don't make faces, have you ever tried to get glitter off of yourself? Not fun my friend.

*evil grin* Glitter shall be my revenge..... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Are you threatening me Master Jedi?

Being a Star Wars geek myself I felt it very necessary to be in the line up last night for the first showing of the movie at 12:01 am. Worth every agonizing second of being in line with kids that were born around the time the Matrix came out. Damn Halifax pretensious, and I apologize to anyone from Halifax but it's true.

There were 4 fedoras in the lineup... sigh .. all be it for me to make fun of someone's head gear, but I digress. I am not here today to poke at the little people I am here to exclaim very loudly in caps lock...


I may go on without knowledge of what I'm saying for a bit so if you haven't seen the greatness that is Star Wars Episode III, here is my disclaimer... SPOILER ALERT.

Even the most prickish of critics are giving this film great reviews, although today they are picking apart the dialogue. Hello... Lucas is an editor and Director, he has admitted himself he is no writer. Why does some of the dialogue seem campy? Cause it's suppose to be yah tard.

As soon as it starts you're in the middle of the war, there is not time to ponder what happened in the last movie, you're there and there's explosions and the wooshing and the *peeew peeew* of the lasers and the fun.

The movie sums up the span of approximately 10 months and in that time frame is when you see Anakin go to Vader which is friggin flawless. Wonderful acting, great effects, homages to A New Hope, just beautiful.

The very last seen actually brought a tear to my eye and a nod of approval. Owen, Veru and a new born Luke, standing in the sunset on Tatooine in the same place you see an older Luke staning in A New Hope. If you haven't seen this you have to see it in the big screen. A requirement by Star Wars Law. You owe this to yourself.

I admit and have no quams with my dorkism and my going ons about this may be lame to some, but this was a phenomenon for me. Anyway go see the movie and leave me alone :P

Next on my check list for this year: Batman Begins , War of the Worlds, Goblet of Fire and for Xmas...... NARNIA BABY WOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Thus ends my rant.

Star wars..wooooooooooooo.