Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Yeah teh link to my music video wasn't working, here is the good one:

oh what has been going on. Im on the radio now in sydney, I have a second job waitressing in the nights, Im tired all the time, raven has strep throat, another flat tire, my liscense is expired and my plates expire next month, money = 0

I think it's just the lack of sleep, I'm just cranky and tired, Dad is getting increasingly sick from the chemo, mom is being an arsehole, I hardly ever get to spend time with raven or chris.

I can't wait to get back to Kentville in September just so I can have a vacation. I can certainly wait to go through all the bugs that are going to be in the apartment... i hate earwigs so much.

The quitting smoking thing has pretty much gone out the window at this point, I'll try again later, can't really be bothered right now.

Friday, July 14, 2006

My First Web Posted Music Video.

I finihsed my first music video done on my Avid System, check it out for me and leave a comment.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I pretty sure I'm going to be poor forever.

Why would someone call you to just talk about how much of a raise they got, oh I'm making a million dollars a year now, oooh you're still on per hour huh... fuck you I mean really

I already feel like a tool most of the time... I'm probably not going to get a job out of school, you know, Murphy's law and what not. I'm destined to work shit jobs for the rest of my life. I was really feeling good about myself for the last little bit. Working at the station, then I find out I have to get a second job, so there goes my time with Raven.

I feel like a failure. Fucking bug infested apartments and minimum wage fucking jobs, wo0t to the future. I'm sure Raven will be oh so proud of me when she gets older.

Fucker why does he even bother to call, why do I pick up the phone?

can't even be bothered to type, sorry if I brought anyone down

such is life