Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Raven has the Croup. I have to sit here, and watch her struggle for breath and take coughing fits. She is usually so energetic and all she's been doing today is laying down and sleeping. I had to plead with her to eat half a bowl of soup. I lost the wallet that had the birth certificates and medicare cards. I don't even know where the hospital is around here, not that they would do anything. I took care of her fever and I know the Croup is viral, they won't give antibiotics for it, there's no point. Depending on how bad this is I will probably miss all next week of classes, I'm going to be so far behind.

2 steps forward and 3 back.

Chris left on Wednesday. We miss him.

Schol is going great though. My Broadcast journalism professor is Yvonne Colbert from live at 5. She's a fantastic prof and lady. My other 2 profs are fantastic, they know they're stuff and know it well. In my first 2 weeks of class I have finished my promo for the radio station I'll be working on and also my first tv production. Not bad for the first 2 weeks.

I hope Raven gets better soon. I hate to see her this way.

I miss my friends. I was in a class the other day and went to Lisas page with all the pics of everyone. I almost started crying in class, I miss the crazy bastards.

Holding my breath until November.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

And then there was Dial up ?

Yeah I know I said a dirty word, I finally get my internet back and its dial up... for now anyways.
It was suppose to be hooked up on August 29th... my DSL high speed. But oh no, I got punted... yes PUNTED for a week. Then Chris came home and threw a fit on the phone. I almost felt sorry for Aliant... almost. Not only did he get us free dial up until the slackers fix our dsl on the 13th, but we get 60 bucks off our next bill. That is why I'm going to marry this man.

He gots some skills! :)

So the adventure to Kentville began on the 29th. Actually the 28th when I almost didnt get my truck... meh long story. Anyway spent the night with my uncles and my Dad and Lisa packign up the truck, then me and Lisa went to her place and drank. Up early the next day , needless to say I had more crap than I first thought and we filled the truck, so Fredericton weas out of the question. Dave stayed home since he didn't want to come anyways, and Me, my Dad, Chris' Dad Francis and Raven, all drove to the valley.

We spent until the wee hours unloading the thing and crashed. The next day we unloaded abotu 12 boxes and then my dad and francis headed out, me and raven were on our own.


The next week was running around, changing addresses, paying bills and blah blah blah.. and groceries... oh yeah and baking cause Chris was to come home that Saturday.

I have made record time to the Halifax Airport.

I have never missed anyone in my entire exsistence as muxh as I missed him, and Raven was soooo excited. He brought me home a cowboy bayooo like hat and Raven a stuffed elephant that she named... Lumpys baby brother.

So Chris is home for another week, we're heading back to the cape for the weekend, and then he's gone for 2 months and I'm going to lose my mind. After that though he will be home for a while, so it's good. Short term loss for long term gain.

I wasn't pregnant btw, found that out the natural way. All of a sudden though people are telling me that I should be or to get pregnant soon. They're freaking me out. Raven asked for a baby brother and a baby sister for xmas..... but she also wants a flying bunny and pink drums... i said maybe to the drums.

anyway, school is going good so far, raven is having a blast. All is well in the valley.

Now if I could just get rid of the poop smell.