Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Raven has the Croup. I have to sit here, and watch her struggle for breath and take coughing fits. She is usually so energetic and all she's been doing today is laying down and sleeping. I had to plead with her to eat half a bowl of soup. I lost the wallet that had the birth certificates and medicare cards. I don't even know where the hospital is around here, not that they would do anything. I took care of her fever and I know the Croup is viral, they won't give antibiotics for it, there's no point. Depending on how bad this is I will probably miss all next week of classes, I'm going to be so far behind.

2 steps forward and 3 back.

Chris left on Wednesday. We miss him.

Schol is going great though. My Broadcast journalism professor is Yvonne Colbert from live at 5. She's a fantastic prof and lady. My other 2 profs are fantastic, they know they're stuff and know it well. In my first 2 weeks of class I have finished my promo for the radio station I'll be working on and also my first tv production. Not bad for the first 2 weeks.

I hope Raven gets better soon. I hate to see her this way.

I miss my friends. I was in a class the other day and went to Lisas page with all the pics of everyone. I almost started crying in class, I miss the crazy bastards.

Holding my breath until November.


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