Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Saturday, November 27, 2004

College Bound.

yep, that's right, they're letting me back into college, which scientifically speaking, the greatness level on this = very yes.

Benefit/Negative. Have to move.

Benefit: If i dont move soon i will attack and strangle my mom i think.
Negative: all my familly is here and it will suck to be away from everyone in the long run.... I'm a sap and yes I will miss everyone.

Where is the move to you may or may not be wondering. Kentville , Nova Scotia..... umm...woo?
Regardless, Kingstec College and I finally get to take what I want: Radio and Television Broadcasting. I can't wait, I will finally have a job I can support my family on, finally have something I love to do.

So me and Chris and Raven will be moving to the Valley. I hop it's nice down there, and plus we will be close to alot of our friends that have moved to Truro and also to the valley. So if you guys are reading this, Simms, Meaghan, Bob, Morgan, Vickers, Chillis and Sue..... be afraid..... !!

Work is beyond hectic, we are on a mandatory overtime schedule, which means 6 days a week no compromises. Granted it's great for the money, but, I'm falling behind in ALL my chores around the house, plus I miss Raven.

Fun news, Raven's birthday party is going to be next saturday, its going to be a blast, I hope she has fun, it's going to be at Mcdonalds.... super size super size the american dream.... dammit that song can get stuck in your head, great movie if you want to give up Mcdonalds btw.. " super size me"

Anyway, xmas is getting close, almost time to decorate me thinks, already painted the livingroom... so yeah... will have to decorate on the next day off.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

So here I am on the other side of the fence....

And contrary to what they say about this, my side is a hell of alot better now! ahahahahahahaha.

Hehe, finally the internet has come back to Macsweentown as Chris would say. Ultra High speed, go team us. Only beef is if I get booted offline ONE MORE TIME I'm going for someones head at my ISP.

So we've been at the new job for almost 2 weeks, and besides the abhorrently annoying trainers as is well.

Halloween was fantabulous, I did dress up, a witch of course (ironic grin) gussied up yes indeed even included the hat. I'm also seeing how much of a con artist my daughter is becoming, she wrestled out sooooo much unecessary candy from poor unexpeced souls on Halloween I was beside myself with pride~!

Me and Chris have now assumed a more "living together" factuallity to both our homes. We went to his Moms and got his old bed and the rest of his clothes. piled it in the truck and we all drove out here and set it up. I like it, the bed rocks, and buh bye to the air matress we were sleepping on.

I can't remember the last time I was this happy, it's nice. I think I'll have to stay here for awhile.