Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Crazy Days

I haven't posted in a while. Tonnes of new stuff has been going on. I'm in Cape Breton now, I had to come home to do an internship at CBC television in Sydney. It's going great, my first 2 weeks I've had 5 stories that I helped the shooting with go to air and then be picked up by other netowrks and go national, one of which I pitched to Halifax myself and did the story.

I'm shadowing the "techie" guru now, he's great and he's trying to get them to hire me on for the summer to help him with everything, he's impressed with my work ethic and how quickly I'm catching on.

I've been hired on at The Coast 89.7 FM for the summer, so thats great, I get to stay in Cape Breton for the summer now. Granted my apartment is empty in Kentville and I'm still paying for it... I wonder if my fish are still alive.

I have to go back to Kentvile in a week or 2 to register Raven in school, time is a flyin.

I also found out my father has cancer.

Lung Cancer.

He has to go into surgery on Monday and have half of his lung taken out. There is a chance he will not survive the operation because of his already bad lung condition, granted the percentage is slim. Also I've been doing research on his surgery and they have all these percentages about chance of death in the following 5 years.

I hate this. He gave up his whole life for our family.... and now this. Why can't the pedophiles die like this, the murderes and the rapists... why my dad.

I'm so scared, I"m trying to be strong for him. I cry in the bathroom when no one is around so they won't hear me, I cry in the shower.

I can't imagine exsisting without my father, what will I do?

I'm trying to focus alot more on my work, to keep my mind occupied. I forgot my birthday is soon. Dad asked me this morning what I wanted for my birthday.

Just you Dad I said... Just you.


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