Insane Angel

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Caper VS The Shrew.

What is a shrew you may ask... I know people have been asking me all day. The little bejeezers are like a cross between a mole and a mouse or rat. I had one in my apartment for the past 3 days... note the past tense HAD.

Yes, after 3 days of bugs bunny like pandamonium and hijinx I managed to trap the little bugger and I put him in a little cage we had laying around. Now at first I thought I had a mouse problem, but when I was looking at the thing it didnt look like a mouse at all. It had a long snout.. no ears at all it looked like and tiny tiny tiny squinty almost closed eyes and a tiny tail. So I went all over the internet looking at pictures of mice, rats, and moles till i came onto this pic here and I was like... thats it thats the little bugger. The thing about these guys are that they're vicious and they're venomous, and I have a baby.... sooo long and short after a crying game of " I want to keep the mousey he loves me!" with Raven... we drove out to New Minus and we set Mr Mousey free in a field... my good deed done... now I'm waiting for the hole to be patched by my landlord that took pity on the thing by saying to me when I told him what I found, " Ahhh the poor thing had no where to go."

The poor thing had no where to go. The poor vicious venomous thing had no where to go except MY apartment. My wall has a hole in it and there may be more of these things... but first lets feel sorry for it..... GET IN HERE AND PATCH MY WALL YOU HIPPY.

Anyway, besides that school has been going great still, I'm having a blast and learning tonnes. Chris is doing well out west, his contract is up in a week, so him and my brother are going to try to get on with another contract until November. If they can't they will be home a month early and thats fine by me. Me and raven are going home next weekend for Turkey day. A few class mates will be coming for the drive which will be great for the company and the pocket book on gas home.

Got some baking done today as well, made me some banana bread, that will be the last batch for a while... wo0t wo0t it's apple season. I will be apple pieing it up soon, hmm maybe I should make a few and take them home for turkey day..... I think i will do that.

I found out as well this week that one of my best friends is pregnant with her third, she asked me to be the god mother which I was more than thrilled to accept. Chris made the comment yesterday that he's been thinking about kids alot in the past few months and wants to sit and talk about when we're going to try. He does know though that it wont be for at least 2 years yet.

Granted Raven asked for a baby brother and a baby sister for xmas again... they have to be named Shamus.

All in all its been a great month in the valley so far. Raven is asleep on the couch, the scent of banana bread in the air, and the promis of turkey on the weekend.

.... life is good


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