Bad week.
It's just that time I suppose. When you get to a point when everything is great and happy and happy and happy, and then something happens and you're like yeah that sucks, and then something else happens and you're like...crap...and then it doesn't stop and you start to think that nothing will ever go right again. Yes, I having one of those weeks, we all are.
First we find out that Chris' grandmother is sick and everyone is concerned. That night we find out she passed away. The whole family was crushed. The week was spent going back and forth to Sydney, lots of hugs, confusion by some, condolenses, food, a few laughs and memories. Alot of cleaning ensued, and then the funeral and buriel. You know how it goes, it's like a blur because you mind is so jumbled. A few days before the funeral we had to make a trip to Halifax so Chris could have his second interview with Michlin. That went well, Chris was happy, he did the very best he could and I was happy as well. We drove home and then the funeral was on Friday. So the day sucked to say the least... later that afternoon we get a letter from Michlin saying Chris didn't get the job. He was once again crushed.
We had a little panic attack of course. Oh my god what are we going to do, can we go to Kentville now? How will we pay for everything? what are we going to do? I can't go to school now? Where will I work? Oh no Oh no Oh no.
The verdic was mine to enforce. I will not let Michlin fuck up my return to school so we can all have a better life. So that was that. We'll do whatever we have to and everything will be fine.
So a little depression is going on I guess. We're through the worse of it. Trying to organize now. I have to go to manpower and see if the government will help. Jamie sent me an email with all these scholorships and bursaries that I've been going through and hopefully I can find one to help. Student Loans of course I will have to pursuede to help me out, lol, they hate me.
Through the slump, got to move forward. Go to work, go to manpower, go to student loans.
Ask for help more often, move away , go to school, do my best, get a job, love my family.
And they lived happily ever after.
It's just that time I suppose. When you get to a point when everything is great and happy and happy and happy, and then something happens and you're like yeah that sucks, and then something else happens and you're like...crap...and then it doesn't stop and you start to think that nothing will ever go right again. Yes, I having one of those weeks, we all are.
First we find out that Chris' grandmother is sick and everyone is concerned. That night we find out she passed away. The whole family was crushed. The week was spent going back and forth to Sydney, lots of hugs, confusion by some, condolenses, food, a few laughs and memories. Alot of cleaning ensued, and then the funeral and buriel. You know how it goes, it's like a blur because you mind is so jumbled. A few days before the funeral we had to make a trip to Halifax so Chris could have his second interview with Michlin. That went well, Chris was happy, he did the very best he could and I was happy as well. We drove home and then the funeral was on Friday. So the day sucked to say the least... later that afternoon we get a letter from Michlin saying Chris didn't get the job. He was once again crushed.
We had a little panic attack of course. Oh my god what are we going to do, can we go to Kentville now? How will we pay for everything? what are we going to do? I can't go to school now? Where will I work? Oh no Oh no Oh no.
The verdic was mine to enforce. I will not let Michlin fuck up my return to school so we can all have a better life. So that was that. We'll do whatever we have to and everything will be fine.
So a little depression is going on I guess. We're through the worse of it. Trying to organize now. I have to go to manpower and see if the government will help. Jamie sent me an email with all these scholorships and bursaries that I've been going through and hopefully I can find one to help. Student Loans of course I will have to pursuede to help me out, lol, they hate me.
Through the slump, got to move forward. Go to work, go to manpower, go to student loans.
Ask for help more often, move away , go to school, do my best, get a job, love my family.
And they lived happily ever after.
At 12:03 PM ,
Unknown said...
My condolances....
Things will work out fine... dont' panic.. and keep searchign through that stuff there are some burseries jist for old hags like us... lol
You have better chances too because you are a "single" mom.
I am flying out to Alberta today... Perhaps we can catch up when I return in August.
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