So Christmas came and went without incident.
Raven had a fantastic time, and she got everything she could possibly want. Her father did not come home and sent no presents for xmas or birthday. Then we received a package last week, he sent them the 10th of january, better late than never is what people are telling me, I kind of wish he hadn't sent anything at all, the least you can do is send your own child her presents on time, but again, shes 4 and doesn't really realize anything is wrong.
New Years was great, I was actually taken out. I have never been out for New Years. I was able to get a babysitter and Chris got us tickets to Bunkers. Slowcoaster and Rock Ranger was playin. I got to meet Chris' friend Iain and Shamus came with us too. The great thing about it is I got to see alot of peole I hadn't seen since High School. The lead singer of Slowcoaster use to be a good friend of mine back in the day. Steve is doing well now, he said he's travelling all the time which is ok, but he misses his wife and his kids, he has 2 boys now, it was so good to see him again, he's one of the genuinly nice people that you so tend to meet these days.
While I was talkin to Steve, who walks up the stairs but Little Jay... or thats what i use to call him in High School. Just this little guy back then with a brush cut, very quiet. He's doing well too, it was good to see them both, Jay as I was saying is the lead singer for Rock Ranger. They were great as well, and little Jay... well he is certainly gotten over his shyness, it was funny watching them both... Steve and Jay. I felt so proud of them. They stuck with it you know. We were all in bands back in the day. We all wanted to be rock stars. I became a mom and gave it all up... but to watch them... still going, doing what I always dreamed of doing. I was so proud of them, it was like spending a night in a perpetual flashback, of jamming and playing shows together, and being with old friends, and feeling invincible.
It was nice.
But back to work, and back to everyday. I received my final letter of confirmation from the university, I'm in and I sent them my 100$ seat fee. Raven was accepted to the campus day care as well. So I'm going to have to start looking into assistance for loans and what not, then its find an apartment and move...yay.
I also went to Legal Aid to see if I qualified. They haven't gotten back to me so I suppose they are going to try to say I make too much money, which is laughable. A single mom getting no child support... yeah I'm rolling in it.
Anyway, my ex is saying I owe him almost 4500$ for a credit card that we aparently used for furniture and car repairs. Furniture I haven't seen in 2 years, and a car I haven't been in in 2 years. Anyway, I need to find a lawyer to see what my rights are, I mean maybe I should give him money I don't know, but I mean I already gave him 3000$ and he hasn't paid any child support in 2 years.... I really don't know what to do, I need legal council soon.
Raven has that flu now as well, which is absolutley horrible. I took her to the doctors and he gave her 2 puffers and some antibiotics, and since I have no medical, it was a nice 60$ bill. Things will look up soon though, I believe that.
I have to.
Raven had a fantastic time, and she got everything she could possibly want. Her father did not come home and sent no presents for xmas or birthday. Then we received a package last week, he sent them the 10th of january, better late than never is what people are telling me, I kind of wish he hadn't sent anything at all, the least you can do is send your own child her presents on time, but again, shes 4 and doesn't really realize anything is wrong.
New Years was great, I was actually taken out. I have never been out for New Years. I was able to get a babysitter and Chris got us tickets to Bunkers. Slowcoaster and Rock Ranger was playin. I got to meet Chris' friend Iain and Shamus came with us too. The great thing about it is I got to see alot of peole I hadn't seen since High School. The lead singer of Slowcoaster use to be a good friend of mine back in the day. Steve is doing well now, he said he's travelling all the time which is ok, but he misses his wife and his kids, he has 2 boys now, it was so good to see him again, he's one of the genuinly nice people that you so tend to meet these days.
While I was talkin to Steve, who walks up the stairs but Little Jay... or thats what i use to call him in High School. Just this little guy back then with a brush cut, very quiet. He's doing well too, it was good to see them both, Jay as I was saying is the lead singer for Rock Ranger. They were great as well, and little Jay... well he is certainly gotten over his shyness, it was funny watching them both... Steve and Jay. I felt so proud of them. They stuck with it you know. We were all in bands back in the day. We all wanted to be rock stars. I became a mom and gave it all up... but to watch them... still going, doing what I always dreamed of doing. I was so proud of them, it was like spending a night in a perpetual flashback, of jamming and playing shows together, and being with old friends, and feeling invincible.
It was nice.
But back to work, and back to everyday. I received my final letter of confirmation from the university, I'm in and I sent them my 100$ seat fee. Raven was accepted to the campus day care as well. So I'm going to have to start looking into assistance for loans and what not, then its find an apartment and move...yay.
I also went to Legal Aid to see if I qualified. They haven't gotten back to me so I suppose they are going to try to say I make too much money, which is laughable. A single mom getting no child support... yeah I'm rolling in it.
Anyway, my ex is saying I owe him almost 4500$ for a credit card that we aparently used for furniture and car repairs. Furniture I haven't seen in 2 years, and a car I haven't been in in 2 years. Anyway, I need to find a lawyer to see what my rights are, I mean maybe I should give him money I don't know, but I mean I already gave him 3000$ and he hasn't paid any child support in 2 years.... I really don't know what to do, I need legal council soon.
Raven has that flu now as well, which is absolutley horrible. I took her to the doctors and he gave her 2 puffers and some antibiotics, and since I have no medical, it was a nice 60$ bill. Things will look up soon though, I believe that.
I have to.
At 5:02 AM ,
Unknown said...
I am going to univeristy in the fall too so very very excited..
Check this out
Good luck hunting through the bizillion scholarships...
At 4:52 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey!! Say "hi" to Steven for me if you see him. Life is crazy here. Love your blog, it's the only way I get the real news on Cape Breton ;) Hope all is well. -ErnieG
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